Friday, October 5, 2012


Unfortunately the alarm clock didn't go off this morning.
Fortunately I woke up anyway.
Unfortunately I woke up 40 minutes late.
Fortunately it was crazy hair day at school.

Unfortunately it was not also crazy makeup day.
Fortunately I had a clean "school colors" shirt.
Unfortunately I dripped toothpaste on it and had to wear a non-school colors shirt.
Fortunately I had time to make coffee.
Unfortunately I didn't have time to eat a healthy bowl of cereal.
Fortunately, my husband keeps the house stocked with junk food, and I scored a package of mini donuts. husband keeps the house stocked with junk food, and I'm currently 5-10 pounds over what I should be.
Fortunately, my car, which has been in the shop for a week, was ready for me to pick up on my way home. was crazy hair day at school.

Yeah. It was that kind of day.

Make me feel better. Tell me about a day when everything went wrong for you.

Find more laughs at The Mommyhood Chronicles


  1. No! I'm sorry. I got in a fight about politics with a fan on my page and looked like an ass. So your day was better?

    1. Well, I think I made it through without looking too idiotic. I'm glad it's over though.

  2. cute picture, teach

    woke up late, had to pick up my teenager from her grandmother's to drive her to school (she spend the night with her maybe once a month), teenager was in a bad mood, left my work computer charger at home, drove back to get it, poured a 9 hour day into six hours, got bad news back from my editor on my novel (more rewrites), my favorite baseball team lost, found out we'll be shorthanded tomorrow morning for our cheer breakfast, and my back hurs from the gym.

    1. Ah, a teenager in a bad mood. Not the way to start the day. They are sooo good at sharing that mood!

  3. A fellow I knew took up skydiving. He went out one beautiful Saturday morning and arranged for a flight. When the plane reached jump altitude, he jumped out but unfortunately, his parachute didn't open.

    Fortunately, he had a reserve chute. Unfortunately, it didn't open either.

    Fortunately, there was a very large haystack directly below him. Unfortunately, there was an inverted pitchfork in the middle of the haystack,

    Fortunately, he missed the pitchfork. Unfortunately, he missed the haystack.

    The moral of the story? Some days are worse than others, be thankful for the day you have.

    1. LOL. Fortunately, my crazy day gave me something to blog about. ;)

  4. Great post, new follower from the blog hop

  5. You are too funny - thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks! And thank you for not saying, "Your funny." It would have ruined my weekend. ;)

  6. Way too funny! Winner for one of the funniest posts. I will admit that my hair may, or may not, have been brushed on Friday when I left to work after being up all night:)

    1. As long as you show up, brushed hair is optional.


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